Sri Venkateswara Vajra Kavacha Stotram with meaning

Mar 30 2017 Tags: Kavach, stotram, Tirupati Balaji, Venkateshwara

Sri Venkateswara Vajrakavacha Stotram is The Diamond Armour of Venkatesa composed by Sage Markandeya. Sri Markandeya purana mentions "Sri Venkateshwara Vajra Kavacha Sthothram" by sage Markandeya. This stotram(Prayer) contains 5 stanzas only. Regular Chant of Sri Venkateswara Vajrakavacha Stotram provides ultimate protection. Lord Venkateshwara is also known as Bhaktavatsala , the One who cherishes his Devotees. On numerous occasions Lord Venkateshwara has showered his Graces upon his Devotees in need, ridding them of their troubles and misery. Even for those who surrender only in times of despair, the Lord always answers present. Sri Venkateswara Vajrakavacha Stotram is Translated by Shri P. R. Ramachander .

 Lord venkateshwara

मार्कण्डेय उवाच

mārkaṇḍeya uvāca

नारायणं परब्रह्म सर्वकारण कारकं
प्रपद्ये वेङ्कटेशाख्यां तदेव कवचं मम

nārāyaṇaṃ parabrahma sarvakāraṇa kārakaṃ
prapadye veṅkaṭeśākhyāṃ tadeva kavacaṃ mam

I bow and salute that Venkatesa,
Who is lord Narayana himself,
Who is the divine Lord of all,
And who is the cause of all causes,
And chant his armour for myself

सहस्रशीर्षा पुरुषो वेङ्कटेशश्शिरो वतु
प्राणेशः प्राणनिलयः प्राणाण् रक्षतु मे हरिः

sahasraśīrṣā puruṣo veṅkaṭeśaśśiro vatu
prāṇeśaḥ prāṇanilayaḥ prāṇāṇ rakṣatu me hariḥ

Let my head be protected by,
Lord Venkatesha with thousand aspects,
Who is the lord of all souls,
And place where the soul merges.

आकाशराट् सुतानाथ आत्मानं मे सदावतु
देवदेवोत्तमोपायाद्देहं मे वेङ्कटेश्वरः

ākāśarāṭ sutānātha ātmānaṃ me sadāvatu
devadevottamopāyāddehaṃ me veṅkaṭeśvaraḥ

Let the Consort of the daughter of the sky,
May protect my soul always,
Let the body got from the lord of Lords,
Be protected by Lord Venkateswara.

सर्वत्र सर्वकालेषु मङ्गाम्बाजानिश्वरः
पालयेन्मां सदा कर्मसाफल्यं नः प्रयच्छतु

sarvatra sarvakāleṣu maṅgāmbājāniśvaraḥ
pālayenmāṃ sadā karmasāphalyaṃ naḥ prayacchatu

Let the soul like consort of Alamelu Manga.
Take care of all my works always,
And lead me to good results of all of them.

य एतद्वज्रकवचमभेद्यं वेङ्कटेशितुः
सायं प्रातः पठेन्नित्यं मृत्युं तरति निर्भयः

ya etadvajrakavacamabhedyaṃ veṅkaṭeśituḥ
sāyaṃ prātaḥ paṭhennityaṃ mṛtyuṃ tarati nirbhayaḥ

This diamond armour of Venkatesa,
which can never be broken,
If read daily in the evening and morn,
Would help one to cross death without fear.

इति श्री वेङ्कटेस्वर वज्रकवचस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

iti śrī veṅkaṭesvara vajrakavacastotraṃ sampūrṇam ||

Here ends Sri Venkateswara Vajra Kavacha Stotram

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